Welcome to my pre-MBA corner of the internet, from when Adobe Illustrator was perpetually open on my MacBook and Excel wasn’t even installed. Oh, how things change.
I guess I haven't changed my name because I expect that someday I'll grow into it, though that day doesn’t seem to be coming any time soon. I’m certainly growing up, but not into it.
See, a Samantha tucks herself in at a respectable time with a book, while I'm more of the "listen to a podcast about global politics or change management on the way to a brewery" type. I can't sit still like a Samantha might, but I have picked up the tea habit I imagine all Samanthas must have. I got a dog during the 2020 lockdown season and I refuse to call him by his full name, too.
All I can tell you is that, for now, I’m a 20-something who spends all my lunch money cooking recipes from Bon Appétit and spoiling my yellow lab. I keep my calendar packed with learning goals, running plans, soccer games, and FaceTimes with friends around the world. Call me Sam. Or Samie. Just not Samantha.